Back from my run...
Some weird ish went down, and I don't mean like a Unicorn kind of weird.
Those aren't that hard to come by, actually.
I’m talking disembodied voices kind of weird.
I was on my usual trail through the woods near my house, and I had to sit. My energy just drains so easily out of me nowadays, and I hate it. I could run for miles, but now I could do one heavy workout and I’m exhausted for two days.
I was just sprawled there, practically dying, and I could've hallucinated this, but it's just too weird:

It came from deeper into the woods, from behind me where I was sitting.
I looked, obviously...but nothing was there.
Nada. Zip.

Then, it said one last thing:

'The Gate?'
And I have no idea what it meant. Or if I hallucinated it. The hairs on the back of my neck still haven’t gone down yet. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but now I’m curious. How could a Gate change my life? Does it mean my lupus? Could I go back to normal? ... Welp, now I’m curious.