Okay, so after many, MANY hours of pouring through obscure wiki pages, reddit, creepypastas and old books in languages that make my brain squeeze, I've found something.
(Yes, this is what I go through on a daily basis.)
So, apparently, it’s a gate (obviously), thought to be located in the Northeast (conveniently where I am).
Gate is a sort of lose term, though. Considering that the disembodied voice made it sound like reality can be warped, and with vibration of the air and dense sensations when thought to be around it (and the magnetic pull on compasses being off), it's probably at least a thinning of the veil of the universe where strange things are said to happen.
The kind of things that some people would call miracles.
I’ve been brought up to not trust disembodied voices, so, I don’t know.
It seems almost too good to be true, you guys.